Teacher: Mark Gonzales | Series: Seasons of Change | During seasons of change, good folks will disagree, just like Paul and Barnabas did. But it doesn't have to be a…
Teacher :
Mark Gonzales
Service Type:
Radio Message
Teacher: Mark Gonzales | Series: Seasons of Change | In helping each other deal with change, God gave us gifts that differ to help each other different ways, IF we…
Teacher :
Mark Gonzales
Service Type:
Radio Message
Teacher: Mark Gonzales | Series: Seasons of Change | There is nothing like the shepherding touch of Jesus through seasons of change, and to the degree we receive it, we…
Teacher :
Mark Gonzales
Service Type:
Radio Message
Teacher: Mark Gonzales | Series: Seasons of Change | One of the best ways to deal with change in our lives is to remember that we are voluntary bond-servants unto…
Teacher :
Mark Gonzales
Service Type:
Radio Message